Monday, June 28, 2010

Birds, flowers and cakes

Blue bird...

I've been asked to paste some bigger pictures of my cards I had with my in the Made in Weston craft market. It's actuelly a good idea because you can see how detailed they are. I didn't use stencils or anything like this to paint them. I don't even know how to use stencils ha ha ha... well I do know, but I don't use them. I use acrylic paints - they are my favourites because of vivid colours they give you and they don't need loads of water so paper stays nice and flat.

...pretty flower...
...little bird...

...yummy cupcake...


StevenWsM said...

well done Auntie nina, I think the cup cake looks very edible! x

Nina K. said...

thank you my dear :) This cup cake looks very yummy indeed!!!!